Why Do Some Roof Membranes Fail at the Seams?

The material and installation method used in commercial roofing systems are different from that of residential roofs. For instance, the material comes in rolls of either rubber or thermoplastic material. These are laid out and installed in a variety of ways. However, these membrane roofs have a vulnerable section – the seams. These are where problems often start.

What Type of Roof Do You Have?

Since seams are where problems start on the roof, you need to determine the proper seam sealing method. Depending on the type of roof system, the sealing method may vary. Thermoplastic membranes, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) are sealed by heating the membrane with hot air until it melts and fuses to the next section while ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) rubber is sealed with adhesives or sealant tapes. On the other hand, some modified-bitumen and conventional built-up roofs are sealed using hot asphalt or applying cold adhesive to the seams, while others are torch welded. 

It’s highly important to have a professional roofing contractor install your membrane roof. Otherwise, the seams will not be properly sealed. For instance, seams may not have been fused correctly in thermoplastic membranes. In EPDM membranes, meanwhile, the seams may not have been glued or the tapes not applied correctly. Either way, poor roof installation can lead to premature wear and damage.

What Causes Roof Membrane Failure?

In addition to poor installation, here are two other reasons your roof membrane may fail:

To ensure your membrane roofing system is installed properly, you need to work with an experienced team of roofers like Lask Exterior Solutions, LLC! Call us today at (815) 964-2220, or fill out our online contact form to set an appointment. We proudly serve homeowners in Rockford, IL.