Reasons to Replace Your Siding This Spring

Siding replacement can be done almost any time of year, but scheduling the project during spring offers several advantages. In this blog, your trusted local siding and roofing contractor Lask Exterior Solutions, LLC shares the reasons why now is the perfect time to schedule your siding replacement project.

Relatively Mild Weather

Mid-spring is perfect for any kind of exterior remodeling project. The winter freeze has melted and the scorching heat of summer is still a ways off. For siding contractors, this is the most comfortable season to work in, which means the work often gets done more efficiently.

Mild weather also means a smaller chance of delays. Extreme weather is the most common cause of installation delays, especially when materials have to be sourced from the factory.

Avoid the Peak Season

Roofers and siding contractors are typically fully booked during the summer season, but in the spring they have more availability. This means you’re more likely to be able to hire your first choice of contractor at a convenient time. Also, because business is slower, many contractors offer more competitive pricing during the spring, making it easier to find bargains.

Urgent Siding Installations Are Easier to Schedule

If your siding developed problems during winter and you only noticed it now, you’ll have an easier time scheduling the repair project in the spring than later on in the year. Other siding tasks, such as repairs and maintenance, can also be done on short notice during spring, which helps prepare your home against summer storms.

Lask Exterior Solutions, LLC is your leading provider of roofing and siding installation services. Give us a call at (815) 964-2220 or fill out our contact form. We serve customers in Rockford, IL, and nearby areas.