Choosing Between Hinged and Sliding Patio Doors

Hinged and sliding patio doors offer benefits that can make them a useful addition to any home. When choosing between the two, you should determine what you want and the factors that can influence your decision.

Here are some things to consider when deciding whether hinged or sliding patio doors are ideal for your property. 


For effortless opening and closing, sliding patio doors are the ideal option. With a slight push to the side, sliding doors will glide smoothly along their tracks. This feature makes these doors more accessible and convenient for older homeowners, small children and people with mobility issues.


If your home is in traditional style, you might see hinged patio doors as a better option than sliding ones. Hinged units have multiple glass panes covering the entire unit. They also have a wide opening that allows you to experience a smooth indoor-outdoor living experience, making parties and family bonding easier. 

On the other hand, sliding patio doors feature slim frames and expansive glass, making them suitable for modern homes. They also help achieve a seamless transition from indoors to outdoors. Since sliding doors have a large glass area, they provide an uninterrupted view of the outdoors and an increased amount of natural light even when the door is closed.  If you’re still unsure which patio door type to choose, get professional advice from doors experts.

Safety and Security

Since patio doors are made of glass, they can be vulnerable to security breaches. In this case, whether you choose hinged or sliding patio doors, experts recommend equipping your unit with a multipoint locking system. For an additional layer of protection, it’s best to invest in a security system as well. 

At Lask Exterior Solutions, LLC, we’ll listen to your needs and guide you in finding the best patio door for your home. Our team also provides top-notch gutter guards installation and other home exterior solutions. To get started, call us at (815) 964-2220, or complete our contact form. We serve clients in Rockford, IL, and nearby areas.