9 Tips to Keep Your Home Clean During Window Replacement

While a window replacement project can be a significant investment, it can also add value to your home and improve energy efficiency. Despite these benefits, many homeowners may feel overwhelmed by the potential disruption to their daily routine and the mess of the project.

Fortunately, there are ways to keep your home clean during this project. In this article, window installation and gutter protection services contractor Lask Exterior Solutions, LLC shares nine tips to ensure that your window replacement project will go smoothly with minimal disruption in your daily life.

1. Set a Convenient Time

When planning to replace your windows, take note of the timing and impact on your daily routine. One effective strategy is to schedule the project during the morning or early afternoon hours, giving you and your family time to prepare for the task and conduct daily activities within the same day. 

This way, you won’t have to worry about the mess and noise of the project interfering with evening plans or sleep, and you’ll have ample time to clean up and organize the space before sunset. By planning your window replacement project carefully, you can minimize disruptions and enjoy the benefits of your new windows without any unnecessary stress or hassle.

2. Keep the Work Area Unobstructed

Another crucial step to consider for your window replacement project is removing obstacles or items that may block access for the technicians and the new windows. This may include furniture, carpets, deck furniture, and tools. It’s also a good idea to communicate with the team of window installation and gutter covers experts beforehand to ensure they make the necessary preparations.

For instance, you can ask them if their tools and equipment are complete or whether there are any potential access issues they need to address. By taking these steps, you can help the team complete a successful and stress-free window replacement project.

3. Take Down Additional Items or Accessories

When it comes to installing new windows or replacing old ones, it is essential to remove any blinds, curtains, or other decorations that may be in the way of the window technicians. By doing so, you not only make their job more accessible but also reduce the risk of any damage or breakage to the items around the area. In addition, removing these items will also give the technicians more space to work with, allowing them to move around freely without any obstructions.

4. Prepare for Storage

If you are replacing all the windows in your home, you may need help finding safe and adequate storage space for all your belongings. For this reason, it’s best to plan for storage ahead of time. You can use sealable storage containers to put away some of your items, preventing them from gathering dust during the project.

5. Seal off the Work Area

A window replacement can be messy and dusty. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid dust and other pollutants from spreading throughout your living space. One surefire way to do this is to close the doors to any rooms the window technicians won’t service. It will create a barrier that keeps dust and debris from traveling into other areas of your home.

You should also consider using drop cloths or sealing off windows and doorways with plastic coverings to help reduce the number of pollutants that enter your home. Placing tarp sheets underneath the window unit will also catch any mess created while the project is underway.

6. Protect Your Furniture and Electronics

If there are furniture and electronics in the work area, it’s best to move them out of the way before the installation begins to reduce the risk of accidents and damage to your possessions. The more items in the way, the greater the risk of an accident and the more room the technicians will have to work with. 

Not only that, but the dust and dirt generated during installation can also be difficult to clean properly. This is especially true if you have a lot of furniture or your space is small. You can also cover them with a light cloth to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating and to protect them from damage.

7. Use Tape to Cover Vents

Dust and dirt from your window replacement not only negatively affect your furniture and electronics but also your indoor air quality. Therefore, take the time to use tape to cover vents or seal them off with plastic coverings to prevent dust from circulating through the air. Avoiding any air leaks during installation will help maintain the home’s temperature and humidity levels, reducing energy bills and improving indoor comfort.

8. Ensure Work Area Is Accessible

Providing clear paths for the technicians to reach different parts of the house is essential to ensuring that window replacement is as efficient as possible. One of the things you need to do is make sure staircases and landings are passable by removing any potential barricades, like furniture or decorations. Doing this will make it easier for the technicians to move around, complete the project quickly, and reduce disruptions.

9. Plan and Prepare for the Clean-Up

To streamline the window replacement process, you should designate a few areas for collecting trash and disposing of the debris before the job starts. This way, the technicians can easily manage and dispose of their waste quickly and efficiently once they finish each task. By doing this, you’ll help ensure that the project runs smoothly and that everyone involved can focus on getting the job done right.

Hire a Reliable Contractor for Your New Window Installation

With these nine tips, you can keep your home clean during your window replacement and enjoy a hassle-free project. If you’re looking for a contractor for your window installation, turn to Lask Exterior Solutions, LLC.  With our extensive training and experience, we can provide you with the best solution for your home improvement project and develop a plan of action tailored to your needs.

Count on us to install entry doors, siding panels and gutter guards as well. Give us a call at (815) 964-2220, or complete our contact form to request a quote.